Jarrel and I are so proud! We have finished the Couch to 10k program! We did the whole thing without missing or rescheduling a single run. Even when our double stroller broke, Sarah Pierce was there to save the day! She watches Summer while we run and it works out great for everyone! We are feeling tired, but good. Our race is next weekend up in Placerville, so we're gonna do a few final preparation runs and then go for it! Our goal is to run the whole 10k in less than an hour. It's gonna take a little pushing because we've been running about 10 minute miles. It will be so much fun racing again though!
Another little tidbit I wanted to throw out there is we got the coolest letter in the mail this week. Kaiser Roseville is having a Family Festival in October for all of the families of babies that were in the NICU in 2009. I am so excited to see all the families there that went through similar experiences we did and to see how much our children have grown! I think it is so awesome of Kaiser to recognize us and give their continual support to the families that had a rough start.
This is Summer when she was in the NICU. There were so many people there that took such great care of her. She looks so tiny, but at 7lbs 3oz, she was actually one of the biggest babies in there! I know that Kaiser is hard for some people to negotiate, but this is one reason why I love them.